Why homesteading? Some people choose to raise their own food or use home remedies to avoid questionable commercial products. Other focus on taking steps to stock up on food or prepare for everyday emergencies for peace of mind.

Praise from our readers abut Laurie Neverman and Common Sense Home:

“You provide the best information for self-sufficiency in a way that makes sense to everyone.”

“Your topics are interesting and humorous, insightful, intriguing, honest.”

“You strive to live the things that you teach, and that you are always willing to share not only your knowledge, but to actually research questions to help others in living a more green life.”

“You're my "go-to" person for all questions garden, fermenting, energy..... I figure if you don't know it, you've got a solid lead..... I refer to you as my "organic/heirloom garden, nutrition-foody, math-y fact-checker guru" in certain circles.... seriously, with modern homesteading questions, I check with Laurie before google.....”